We are in a culture war that most do not yet recognize, and we need to build cultural barricades to clearly mark the battle lines. Agrarians on one side, Urbanites on the other side – or alt-right/antifa, or White/non-White, or Left wing/Right wing, or Christian/Other, or any number of other descriptions. If you believe in something, if you cherish something, then stand up and be counted. Don’t be among the non-descript mass of mediocrity that defines middle of the road ambivalence. We are being intentionally divided by Globalists using the “divide and conquer” plan. We don’t have to like it, but trying to stop it is like trying to stop the tides. We need to understand and adapt.

Cultural barricades are social uniforms that identify who a person is and what they believe.

In The Bible, God gave all sorts of commandments to the Hebrew people for no apparent reason other than to clearly set them apart from all others. We should learn from that and do the same.

In Thomas Chittum’s book, Civil War II, he discusses barricades:

“When rioters erect barricades, they’re taking an important step, consciously or unconsciously, towards creating a new nation, however small or temporary. These barricades are boundaries. They proclaim that all on one side are of the same tribe, and that all on the other side are foreigners…After these physical barricades are torn down by the police, the barricades still remain in the hearts and minds of those who erected them…”

Let’s look at two cultural barricades and how we build them:

Language of The Left
I clearly remember being in a store in about 1970 and hearing a man shouting to someone and using profanity. He had a very thick Yankee accent. It was a shock. Not because I had never heard those words before, but because one never heard it in public. To use profanity was something to be ashamed of for not having the self-control to prevent it or the good breeding to know it is wrong. Now, it is so commonplace that it is almost unnoticed. Almost.

Profanity is the language of the Left. It became popular with the urban thug culture, so of course it became normal language for Hollywood-types, then it was copied by the larger population of urbanites and others on the Left. With no fear of God and no sense of decency or civility, it became acceptable. What is really disappointing now is that some on the Right are copying Leftist behavior. Profanity in both speech and writing are becoming the new norm. Perhaps it is a youthful desire to feel “edgy” and defy social norms. No matter the cause, it identifies a person with Urban Leftist social norms. Choose which side you are on.

Pants worn so low that underwear is showing has become a cliche to describe Black culture. Add to that, “hoodies”, ball caps worn sideways or backwards, and worn indoors showing a disregard for basic Occidental etiquette. Don’t wear the uniform of the urban Left unless you are part of the urban Left.

Take your pick. Choose a side. Your social uniform is the language you use and the clothing you wear. It tells others who you are, what you believe, what you are fighting for, whether you can be trusted, whether you are friend or foe.

Choose your side, then choose your uniform. Wear it carefully. Build cultural barricades.